While some may consider newsletters to be an old-school marketing tactic, the truth is that these types of campaigns remain a great way to attract attention and get your messaging directly in front of consumers.

“Newsletters really are a walking salesperson for you,” says Melanie Querry, President and Founder of Beyond Spots & Dots. “They get in front of someone and, especially if that newsletter has a nice headline, allows someone to be reminded of what you have to offer or what you're about to tell me in that particular newsletter.”

So, how do you craft a newsletter to be more than just another e-blast?

Start with developing a content calendar. This will help you determine how many newsletters to plan for in a given year. From there, you can work on the formatting and structure of the newsletter, as well as the distribution strategy. 

One method to consider is a drip nurture campaign. This is an automated marketing strategy in which you develop a series of content to be released over a predetermined period of time. The end goal for this type of campaign is to engage with your audience and nurture their trust, ultimately guiding them toward making a conversion.

When it comes time to work on the content of the newsletter, it is crucial to start with a strong headline. “The headline absolutely is the first point that someone sees,” says Querry. “If the headline isn't catchy, they're not going to click on that newsletter that came into their email.”

Newsletters don't have to have a ton of content. If you do have a lot to say, however, we recommend breaking it down into sections and giving each one its own attention-grabbing title, or sub-heading. 

Ultimately, the primary objective of a newsletter is to create an opportunity for engagement and then get it in front of your customers in as many ways as possible. Among the many benefits of a newsletter is the added opportunity to cross-share by publishing it on your website or social media, in addition to sending it directly into someone’s email inbox.

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